Hello, world.
Imagine you were granted the magic power to change any website in the whole world-wide web the way you like it, to make it better, more functional, more useful, better looking, more pleasing or disrupting to the eye.
Which one would you pick? Technological advances make many such things possible. Technological advances not only make website-related ideas possible but also make online commodity trading convenient for everyone. This means that investors can easily trade even with oil with the help of sources like the öl profit app, which allows interested traders to invest in oil from anywhere in the world.
Enter your choice here:

We've also played that game. And we've chosen Wikipedia. We are New!, a creative agency, hunting for new ideas regardless of their form.
Wikipedia is one of our favorite sources of accumulated knowledge, hats off to Jimmy Wales.
But from the user's and designer's point of view it still has room to improve.
That's why we decided to spend two spring months on this project, looking for the ways how to make it better, reader or editor friendlier, clearer and aesthetically satisfying.
The project is called Wikipedia Redefined and we hope you will find this interesting. It provides almost every piece of information you’re looking for regardless of the category. Let it be cutting-edge technologies like Blockchain, AI, or the latest trends like Bitcoin, you will be well-informed about anything you’re looking for.
Use the scroll bar to navigate further or to go back.
The Brand
We started with the world is a puzzle of knowledge logo.

...and decided to eliminate, ahem, everything except...

…the letter W, which is/could be the most famous W in the whole web. W is enough for Wikipedia to be recognized.

The compound word wiki-pedia, is divided into italic and regular. The italic wiki part will later be used as a prefix for other sub-brands.

A huge family of various wikis is represented by dominant first letters.

All wiki parts are compiled in the same pattern–with italic and regular fonts highlighting the specific function.

Alternatively, it could be used without the wiki prefix.

All of the wikis create an ever moving system…

…an umbrella brand…

…a cluster……of WikiMedia.

Which might have ever evolving connections between its parts, one of which is Wikipedia.

The Website
The homepage of current Wikipedia is overcrowded with display of languages, which overshadows the main functionality–the search area.

Languages dominate the search.

We propose a reversal of proportions.

Huge W shines at the heart of it, with a dominating search option together with a possibility to quickly switch between the languages.
Well organized sister projects sit at the bottom of the page without scroll.

The colorful header of the page is covered in real time changing visual statistics of which languages dominate the Wikipedia database.

The red color, for example, indicates that there are 1.907.000 articles in German. The measurement of the line is proportional to the whole size of local Wikipedia.

Rolling over the top right corner reveals more options for languages.

If one needs to quickly shift from Wikipedia articles to, let's say, Wikiquotes, s/he simply has to click at the bottom of the page…

...and it reloads the same look with different content.

Basically, there are two reasons to visit Wikipedia: to read or to contribute. Reading function is Research and contribution is called Edit.

When you read redefined Wikipedia, you can choose a few functionalities at the top of the page.

History tab means reviewing what one reads. You need to be logged in for this.

By clicking on History one can use an expanded menu: add an article to favorites, review what was read, export it or save it in a computer.
Review button gives a timelined revision of visited/read articles.

Quote serves as a felt pen.

It can be an easy way to highlight the best parts of an article, just like in text books.

And save it for later.

Connect shows a different point of view on the information in Wikipedia.

It arranges everything into connection clouds where one can endlessly explore the connection between words.

We leave Share and Print functionalities as they were without any changes.

The Edit part of the current Wikipedia requires patience and dedication, and is quite noisy.

The redefined Wikipedia arranges it all in a clearer way.

Its live function allows the articles to be edited in real time.

And see the results right away, with user friendly movement of the text.

Photos or graphics.

As well as the arrangement of the articles.

Code part stays the same…

…only in a more comprehensible way and in line with the new style.

Sandbox and History remain unchanged and true to the original Wikipedia.

The portal of Wikipedia changes accordingly. It is more compact.

The footer is distinguished from the rest of the site to help users to find their way around sister sites easier.

We visualized the data, which is available to all readers, to make it more engaging.
Languages were already explained and Disciplines follow the same rainbow line pattern.

It explains the size of the most popular topics compared to others.

World visualizes the nations of the world. It helps to unify the maps used all over the Wikipedia.

One can zoom into countries, towns. And still have a distinctive Wikipedia look.

And here we stop. But, hopefully, the discussion begins.